Our main goal with this channel, is to bring information to help our affiliates in attracting new customers. However, today, let’s talk a little bit about another way to make money with PartnersOnly, the sub-affiliation. Have you heard? Follow this post to the end to learn how to make extra income from it.

What is sub-affiliation?

Did you know that at PartnersOnly, you have the chance to earn more by bringing in new affiliates in addition to new players? Well, this is sub-affiliation. If you are already an affiliate, you can invite people to work the same way you do. And, because they are your nominees, you will have a share in their commissions.

What is your responsibility to your sub-affiliates?

No need to worry, thinking that must accompany the work of your sub-affiliates. Just tell us someone who wants to work on our team and he will join the program as your sub-affiliate. However, his work will be independent of yours.

It works like this: you invite someone, they sign up for our program, you work as our affiliate and you earn, on a monthly basis, an extra as a thank you for your referral.

How many levels are there in the sub-affiliation?

PartnersOnly currently has two levels. That is, each affiliate can complete up to two levels with sub-affiliates: the first sub-affiliate configures level one and the second, level two. 

As we mentioned earlier, you earn an extra for each sub-affiliate you have. This additional corresponds to a percentage of the commissions that your referrals generate:

  • Level 1 = 10%
  • Level 2 = 5%

In practice, how do the two levels work?

For you to understand exactly how affiliation levels work in practice, here are two possible situations.

Situation 1: one level

Affiliate 1 – Affiliate 2

Affiliate 1 – Affiliate 3

The original affiliate (1) brings two new affiliates, obtaining a reward for each of these new partners. Each of them will be 10%, on the commissions of affiliates 2 and 3.

Situation 2: two levels

Affiliate 1 – Affiliate 2 – Affiliate 3

The original affiliate (1) brings in a new affiliate, earning a 10% reward on affiliate 2’s commissions. When affiliate 2 brings in another partner, affiliate 1 will receive a 5% premium on affiliate 3’s commissions.

Don’t miss the opportunity to increase your earnings with PartnersOnly and Betmotion!